Self-Managed Super Fund Loans

What’s included.

Strategy Consultation and Financial Assessment

  • Advice: Loans for SMSF borrowers can be more complex due to the requirements under Australian superannuation and taxation law. If you have a SMSF and are considering taking out a mortgage to buy an investment property, it is recommended that you obtain independent financial, legal and tax advice.

  • Financial evaluation: If you decide to proceed, we can help you find the right SMSF loan. We will assess your financial standing to determine your eligibility for the SMSF loan.

SMSF Loan requirements

  • The property must be for the sole purpose of providing retirement benefits or death benefits to the SMSF beneficiaries.

  • If residential, the property must not be acquired from a member of the SMSF or any related party of a member.

  • If you are purchasing a commercial property, it may be bought from or leased by SMSF members. The property must only be used for business purposes.

What is a self-managed super fund (SMSF)?

  • A SMSF is a private super fund that you manage yourself. SMSF’s provide greater flexibility and allow investors to hold a range of assets including shares, term deposits, investment properties and cash.

  • SMSF’s can have up to four members and require their own separate Tax File Number (TFN), Australian Business Number (ABN) and transactional bank account. Because SMSF’s are a type of trust, you must designate a trustee to have authority over the investment strategy, administrative tasks and financial statements.

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“By working with a mortgage broker for Self Managed Super Fund Loan Strategies, you can benefit from their expertise.